What’s a SEER2 rating?

Sorry to spoil your fun: Your HVAC contractors aren’t all-seeing masterminds, peering into your energy-savings past, present and future. SEER stands for seasonal energy efficiency ratio. When it comes to your heat pump, mini split or air conditioner, it indicates the unit’s maximum energy efficiency.
Fun Fact: Since the SEER system started in 1992, there have been a lot of changes in the technology we use to heat and cool our homes — and our understanding of how things like ductwork and external static pressure can affect efficiency have also improved. That’s why the SEER2 standards are now in effect. The new standards more accurately measure system efficiency in real-world conditions.
Basically, the higher the SEER2 rating, the more efficient the unit is. In this post, we’ll share the information you need to understand SEER2 ratings and how they apply to our Valley region. For a deeper dive into SEER2 ratings, check out our SEER2 FAQs.

What are the benefits of higher SEER2 ratings?
If you’re in the market for a new heating and cooling system, choosing a unit with a higher SEER2 rating has some notable benefits:
#1 — Energy savings
Higher-efficiency air conditioners and heating systems can cost more up-front; however, you will save money on energy costs in the long run. You can easily determine the lifetime savings for different SEER2 ratings using a SEER savings calculator. Rebates from TVA EnergyRight and federal tax credits can help offset the initial higher cost of energy efficient air conditioners and heat pumps.
#2 — Quieter operations
Generally speaking, high-efficiency units are quieter than low-efficiency ones. Still, if you have a vote in your system’s location, keep it as far from a bedroom as possible.
#3 — Gentler on the environment
Lower your carbon footprint with high-efficiency heating and cooling systems that use less energy. All air conditioning units installed after 2025 will use a new refrigerant — R-454B and R-32 — to conform to the EPA’s hydrofluorocarbon phasedown mandate.
#4 — Rebates and tax credits
We already mentioned this one, but it bears repeating! TVA EnergyRight offers rebates up to $3,000 on heat pumps and a $400 rebate on central air conditioners with a 17 SEER2 or higher. As part of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, federal income tax credits of up to $3,200 are available to lower the cost of energy efficient home upgrades by up to 30%.