Thermal storage incentive offering
Thermal ice storage systems work with conventional refrigeration equipment to produce cold water or ice. This chilled water or ice is stored in a tank and used to cool your building during peak hours, enabling you to shift electric cooling operations to off-peak hours, saving money and reducing peak demand. Our incentives can help offset your project’s costs and are available at $9.00 per ton hour for partial storage and $11.00 per ton hour for full storage projects.

Thermal Ice Storage Incentive
For most commercial businesses, cooling is the top energy expense, accounting for 40% of peak demand on hot days. You can spend less on energy when you incorporate thermal storage during project design by choosing equipment that is sized right for the job. This may enable your facility to reduce nominal/installed chiller capacity as well as pumps, motors, fans and ductwork in conventional systems.
All projects require pre-approval. DO NOT purchase, remove or install any equipment until all pre-approval requirements are completed, and a formal Application Approval Notice has been received via email.
Detailed energy calculations are required.
Pre- and post-installation inspections may be required.

How to calculate your incentive
If you are unsure of how to calculate your potential incentive or have questions about estimating your thermal ice storage needs, contact the operations center at 866-233-0450 for more information.

Funding is still available this year
Ready to make your workplace safer and improve the comfort and air quality in your commercial or industrial setting? All of our incentives are subject to approval by TVA and your LPC and are contingent upon available funding. And we have great news: Funding is still available this year.
Let’s get started.
Click below to begin your application for this incentive. Our team is ready to answer any questions you have.
Please contact our energy advisors at (866) 233-0450 or email
Apply through the Preferred Partners Network (PPN)
In order to apply for this incentive, you must work with a PPN member. All you need to do is Request Expert Solutions or Find a Contractor.

Request Expert Solutions
Submit a project request and multiple contractors in our Preferred Partners Network will respond with solutions based on your needs.

Find a Contractor
Ready to get started? Find a trusted expert in your area. All members of the Preferred Partners Network (PPN) are TVA-vetted.
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Preferred Partners Network

Custom incentives